It’s fairly common experience to attend a tech event, look up, and realise you are staring at an all men panel, here is a roster of amazing women to fix this problem


After speaking at 39 events in 16 countries last year, there was one unfortunate reality – most of the panels consisted of men.

So today, I would like to share 88 reasons to avoid this situation. If you are looking to host a tech event, here are 88 amazing women to share their inspiring stories.



ID: 2 | MY: 5 | PH: 2 | SG: 21 | TH: 2 | VN: 2

Also Read: VIDEO: This International Women’s Day, the spotlight is on Susan J. Fowler

Venture Capital:


PH: 1 | SG: 10 | TH: 1 | VN: 1

Community Building:


MY: 2 | PH: 2 | SG: 6

Corporate Startup Engagement:


SG: 6 | TH: 1

Also Read: Women in engineering: Inspiring stories and sage advice from 3 female Grab engineers



PH: 1 | SG: 6 | TH: 1 | VN: 1



ID: 1 | SG: 4



SG: 3



AU: 2 | CN: 1 | HK: 4 | IN: 1 | JP: 2

Thank you Sati Rasuanto, Lais de Oliveira and Vishal Harnal for reading drafts of this list and suggesting updates.

This article was first published on

Copyright: thecutedesignstudio / 123RF Stock Photo

The post 88 reasons not to have all men panels in Southeast Asia appeared first on e27.