Having secured a partnership with Aptikom, Cardano Project plans to launch cryptocurrency token ADA in Asia


Emurgo Head of Business Development Shensuke Murasaki with Regi Wahyu and Steven Gunadi

Emurgo, a Japanese firm that supports and performs incubation of businesses in order to integrate it with blockchain decentralisation system Cardano Project, has begun introducing its services in Indonesia.

In the “Blockchain for Real-World Probelms” event hosted by Indonesian agritech startup HARA, Emurgo Head of Business Development Shensuke Murasaki spoke about the firm’s upcoming projects in the country that will involve universities and its students.

One of the projects included a signed MoU with Indonesian Association for Higher Education in Computing (Aptikom). Through this partnership, Emurgo expects to develop fresh talents for the blockchain sector.

“In addition to training, we will also provide certificates that will be beneficial for entrepreneurs in Indonesia,” Murasaki said.

By Q4 2018, Cardano Project aims to secure more partnerships with universities in Indonesia and various business sectors to accelerate the implementation of blockchain technology in the country.

The presence of Emurgo and Cardano Project is supported by the Indonesian Blockchain Association.

Also Read: How Blockchain Space aim to support Indonesia’s budding blockchain industry

ADA to be available in Asia soon


As an open-source-based service, Cardano claimed to be the first blockchain platform to implement the concept of scientific philosophy and develop its platform using the most advanced researches.

“Our market value is already in top seven list globally, supported by three major organisation Emurgo, IDHK, and Cardano Foundation,” Murasaki said.

Cardano Project is developing a token called ADA, which will function as a cryptocurrency that is integrated to various mobile payment in Asia. Its full implementation will be in Q3 2018.

“We expect ADA to turn our cryptocurrency into a top choice for mobile marketing platform developers, as it can be easily customised for fintech platforms,” Murasaki ended.

The article Cardano Project Berikan Edukasi Blockchain untuk Mahasiswa was written in Bahasa Indonesia by Yenny Yusra for DailySocial. English translation and editing by e27.

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