How blockchain is using decentralised ID verification for seamless user onboarding

Blockchain helps to streamline the KYC process Today, the news of blockchain...

How Malaysia is taking relevant steps to regulate digital assets exchanges

Various countries are developing and implementing standardized regulatory...

Blockchain will force banks to change their feudal mindset

At the moment, banks have all the control and all the power, and users have very...

CoinBits launches as a passive investment app for bitcoin

Erik Finman is a twenty-something bitcoin maximalist as famous for his precocity...

Initial Exchange Offerings are a thing. Here is your catch up

In its most basic sense, an IEO is a crowdfunding campaign whereby the onus is...

What major blockchain trends can we expect this 2019?

Contrary to popular belief, blockchain isn’t a total gone case Blockchain...

The knowledge gap may be the biggest hindrance to blockchain adoption

Blockchain is lacking when it comes to adequate awareness and proper education...

What’s holding blockchain back from mainstream adoption?

Just 1 per cent blockchain adoption is expected. What about the other 99 per...

The correlation between Bitcoin, social networks and “sense of community”

We’re more connected than ever, but also as disconnected Recently, a...

The 10 most read blockchain e27 Contributor articles

Whether it is highlighting quality companies or discussing macro-trends, these...