3 startups thriving amidst COVID-19 lockdown in the Philippines

Over the last four months, the Philippines has had increasingly longer...

European founders look to new markets, aim for profitability

To get a better sense of what lies ahead for the European startup ecosystem, we...

Bringing innovation to the table: Why foodtech is the next frontier in Southeast Asia

It’s no secret: Asians love food, and so when we think about opening our...

Investment platform eToro acquires crypto portfolio tracker app Delta

The multi-asset investment platform eToro, which spans “social”...

Philippines’s eToro aims to make buying Bitcoin as easy as buying an Apple share

The social trading platform allows users to discuss strategies and share...

‘Weirdo’ Fintech VC Anthemis marches to its own drummer

Entering into the world of Anthemis is a bit like stepping into the frame of a...

Investment tech must ride the swell of fintech in Southeast Asia

Does tech have a hierarchy of needs? If tech consumers had their own...

Social investment platform eToro acquires smart contract startup Firmo

Social investing and trading platform eToro announced that it has acquired...

eToro bringing crypto trading and wallet to the US

eToro, the social investing and trading platform, announced that it will finally...

Cryptocurrency and a stock market boom pushes TradingView to $37 million in new funding

Fueled by last year’s greed-inducing visions of a cryptocurrency boom and...