Focus on productivity, not efficiency

Work smart, not hard 12 hours. That’s how long it took to build a car...

Three startup resolutions I made that did not work out the way I expected

My startup Sleeker accomplished its important goals, but the path taken was...

From meditating to delegating; how I manage work-life balance as a startup founder

All this without a cup of coffee I am Bjorn Lee and I am the founder and CEO of...

8 productivity hacks to streamline your work-life

Why be busy when you can be productive? Work in an open office? Too many...

What I learned about procrastination while scaling my startup to 4.2M users

A problem that can be detrimental to your business, yet is not often discussed...

Bjorn Lee teaches energy management masterclass in e27 Academy

Ever noticed how a full day doesn’t always equal a productive one? A...

Build a strong foundation with e27 Academy

or, Why you shouldn’t miss e27 Academy especially if you’re an...

3 productivity-enhancing strategies that every leader should heed

Know the things that motivate your team members It’s important for a...

Ian Small, former head of TokBox, takes over as Evernote CEO from Chris O’Neill

Former TokBox head Ian Small is replacing Chris O’Neill as CEO of...

Leveraging technology to transform the way we feel, travel, and eat

How three Singapore companies are increasing their productivity through...