Founder’s guide to the pre-IPO secondary market

The increase in activity in the pre-IPO secondary market means that founders,...

First mover advantage: Does it matter in startup fundraising?

We know the world of startup funding is competitive. I’ve analyzed how...

Holloway launches in-depth startup guides, aims to rewrite publishing with $4.6M from NYT, tech VCs

Founders need to get smart quickly about the many nuanced aspects of building a...

How to negotiate term sheets with strategic investors

Three years ago, I met with a founder who had raised a massive seed round at a...

4 fundraising documents every Singapore Founder should know

While the names are the same, the actual documents are usually quite different...

Term sheets: What you need to know

A term sheet is the first formal (but non-binding) document between a startup...

In video, how to approach a term sheet in Southeast Asia

Little hints, like not having an exclusivity period of more than 30 days, can...