From sales to social media to SEO, these courses will help any entrepreneur sharpen their skillset

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Every firs time entrepreneur needs as much help as they can get. Whether it is mentors, solid teammates or community support, it’s impossible to run a successful company without help.

One of the challenges is finding a source of trustworthy information for studying-up on weak skills. Bad at marketing? Didn’t do fantastic in those accounting classes?

Also Read: Want to get AWS certified? Here are 10 courses to help you study up

These ten courses will help any entrepreneur brush up on those business deficiencies.

Intro to Business Law for Entrepreneurs

Description:How do I Protect My Family? What Type of Company to Register. Dealing with Investors. Patents. IPO. Ethics and More.

What you will learn: Let’s start with step one, setting up a business and making sure the legal paperwork is correct. Now, every country has its own laws, but this course will help budding entrepreneurs understand the basic protections it needs to operate.

The course goes through a company’s lifecycle to help Founders visualise the steps they need to take to achieve their vision.

Oh! Did I mention it comes with a free book?

The Original Marketing Guide for Startup Entrepreneurs

Description:Marketing can be easy and inexpensive. Just follow this blueprint and start to grow your business.

What you will learn: One of the biggest challenges for a startup is the realisation that the team is building a brand from nothing. Furthermore, they are usually hamstrung by a shoestring budget. However, there are strategies specifically for new businesses.

This course outlines marketing channel ideas, how to stand out from the crowd and good/bad examples for SMEs.

How to build your startup fast and efficiently?

Description:Learn how to build your startup fast and efficiently and how to avoid most common mistakes and what to concentrate on

What you will learn:Everyone knows the saying ‘fail fast’, but what are the necessary steps to accomplish this goal? What concrete strategies can help grow a product quickly and at scale?

This lesson breaks down lessons like how to analyse data for decision making, strategies for building an MVP and some hacks to kickstart growth.

Finance and Accounting for Startups

Description:Learn business accounting, IPO process and everything entrepreneurs need to know about entrepreneurial finance.

What you will learn:A lot of business owners are fantastic at innovating, selling products and leading a team. They also may be terrible at accounting and finance. If a Founder really thinks they have a good idea, it will be come crucial to sharpen those accounting edges.

This course goes through basic concepts like creating financial reports and how to analyse accounts within a growing company. It also takes new founders through a few exit strategies including IPOs.

[2018] Growth Hacking with Digital Marketing (version 5)

Description:The world’s BESTSELLING growth hacking course! Become a modern digital marketing leader. Over 30,000 alumni worldwide!

What you will learn: Everyone wants to find the silver-bullet for growth hacking. While this course doesn’t make promises, it does provide strategies, direction and secrets for using digital marketing to grow a startup. It introduces “big picture” skills, result analysis advice and digital marketing tools.

The idea by the end of the course is to how to build a business via user-centric growth.

The Ultimate Manager’s Guide to Hiring Great People

Description:Find Applicants, Identify Promising Candidates, Screen & Interview Potential Employees, and Make Great Hiring Decisions

What you will learn: Hiring will forever be the most important part of any company. No matter if the company stays small, or grows into the next Google, the issue of hiring will never go away. This course goes through the following ten steps to improve the hiring process:

  1. Conduct a Business Review
  2. Create a Job Description
  3. Attract Candidates
  4. Review Resumes
  5. Phone Interview
  6. Face-to-Face Interview
  7. Team Job Shadow Interview
  8. Reference Checks
  9. Salary Negotiation
  10. Job Offer

Organisational Culture Change Training – Management Skills

Description:Business Improvement – Management Skills – learn how to change a culture in your organisation

What you will learn: After hiring comes building an internal culture and this course will take Managers through best practices. It teaches people how to implement culture change, how to set goals that will be achieved and strategies for identifying and measuring culture.

Setting the tone for internal culture is crucial to the success of any company, and these lessons will help entrepreneurs understand best practices.

How to win Social Media – Design your own Strategy

Description:Be on Your – Use Social Media to Grow Your Fortune

What you will learn: Social media is an absolutely essential avenue for growing a company. However, a lot of people throw spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks. There are actually legitimate for social media marketing and brand building. Understanding a basic strategy can turn social media from a necessary evil to a valuable asset.

It teaches people how to learn from mistakes, build quality social media content and analyse target audiences.

Business Development For Startups and Tech Companies

Description: Unlock massive growth using the business development channel. Learn pitching, BD strategy, cold emailing, & deal closing

What you will learn: How can a startup make money? Should they just start banging on doors and asking people to download an app? Obviously there are specific sales strategies that make a major difference (there are four-year degrees for this kind of thing). For Founders who need to understand the basics, this is a great course.

It teaches people how to win in the deal funnel, how to isolate key stakeholders and how to generate inbound opportunities, among others.

SEO 2017: Complete SEO Training + SEO for WordPress Websites

Description:Rank 1 on Google: Technical SEO, 0.5s Pagespeed, UX SEO, Backlink SEO, Keyword Research SEO: WordPress SEO Training

What you will learn: If social media is core for marketing, SEO is just as important. It also is not a subject that can follow the spaghetti-wall strategy. The nuances are usually quite specific and require an expert to point out mistakes or missed opportunities.

This course has analysed the trends of 2017 and not only teaches the fundamentals, but also some of the trends from the last year.

Also Read: 10 courses to help integrate Data Science into your job

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