These simple tips will help you get healthier and better at what you do

This article is meant for those who are in search of leading a healthier lifestyle, who need to work harder, earn a higher income and stay successful throughout their career. Isn’t that what you want? To become a successful entrepreneur, who works their way to running a successful business and making a good income?

Well, an easy way to achieve your desired goal is that to eat right and stay healthy and active which will eventually make you productive. Healthy eating will boost your memory, improve creativity, productivity and curiosity. Here’s how you can easily apply healthy eating to your daily routine:

1. The early bird gets the worm

One of the biggest mishaps that most of the entrepreneurs make is waking up late. Consider yourself, if you waste half of your day while sleeping you have lost the majority of opportunities that you could have achieved following day. Rising early in the morning can be a most fortunate time to start that project you were dreaming of getting done early, because this is the time you are mentally healthy, so do yourself a favor and rise early in the morning before the rest of the world does. Here are some examples of the most influential entrepreneurs:

  • Anna Wintour (Vogue Editor in Chief) rises daily up at 5:45 am
  • Howard Schultz (Founder of Starbucks) rises daily up at 4:30 am
  • Richard Branson (CEO of Virgin Group) rises daily up at 5:45 am
  • Sergio Marchionne (CEO of Fiat Chrysler) rises daily up at 3:30 am
  • Tim Cook (CEO of Apple) rises daily up at 4:30 am

I think these examples are enough for an enthusiastic entrepreneur to become an early bird

2. Simplify your breakfast but don’t skip it

Getting five to six hours of sleep and having a minimal meal at dinner, your body is starving to fuel up your day. Plus, doing breakfast earlier kick starts your metabolism.

So avoid skipping breakfast. Instead, eat something that requires less preparation time, like a protein shake or smoothie since these are delicious and are quickly made, will fill you up on nutrients and boost your morning.

3. Bring your lunch from home

Majority of people have a habit of going out for lunch, or might just skip their lunch or have late lunch, Studies recommend you to avoid doing either of these and bring your own lunch from home prepared nutritiously rather than eating junk and unhygienic food.

Be mindful and make it simple and easy rather than complicated, salads and veggie wraps take five minutes preparation time, or you can make soups or stews and kebabs in bulk for one week and freeze and consume during the week.

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4. Keep nutrient-dense snacks within reach

Are you productive and want to stay active and look healthy? Than why munching junk food rather than eating healthy? Researchers have proven that doing this can lead to obesity. Healthy snacking plays a vital role in providing vibrant energy.

Instead of going hungry, try having healthy snacks to keep at work. You can make snacks like protein oatmeal bars, baking some biscuits and fill up your jar, you can place some dry fruits and chickpeas on your desk.

5. Stay hydrated

Dehydration can have a negative impact on your decision-making and planning abilities. Dehydration also causes a person to get stressed out and lethargic. Planning, decision making and to stay active are important criteria for an entrepreneur. Keep a water bottle at your office desk and stay hydrated.

6. Skip happy hour

You might be feeling to have a drink after a long tiring day at work, ignore it. Alcohol may unwind you or make you feel good temporarily, but permanently it adds extra calories to your diet.

7. Order your groceries online

Spending extra hours at working doesn’t allow you to get enough time for your family or sleep, taking out time for grocery also seems impossible. Luckily, you can order meals online, delivered to your doorstep, many stores now offer where you order your groceries online and pick them up at the store. No more walking up and waiting in long checkout lines.

8. Be mindful while eating

From worrying about finances, marketing decisions, and hitting deadlines, no matter how busy or stressed you are, give yourself a break from your screens, slow down a little bit and enjoy your quality meal time. This will make you end up eating less and feel better once you feel full, plus the break from your hectic work will allow you to refresh and ready to focus.

9. Choose healthy options when dining out

The regular entree and side dishes on the menu are not always the healthiest options, because restaurants most of the time show diners the most decadent options, and do not consider the healthiest ones. You must ask for substitutions. Here are a few other techniques.

Also read: 5 research-backed stress-busters that can help you improve work-life balance

  • You can ask if you can order from the children’s menu.
  • Choose grilled, baked, or steamed instead of fried.
  • Substitute steamed or grilled vegetables instead of just ordering a baked potato.
  • Go for a salad instead of an entree, and avoid ordering the fatty dressings.
  • Order a brothy soup over a creamy soup.

10. Do regular exercises

To stay healthy, you need all of the stamina in order to meet the demands of the day, to increase the level of your energy, you must include exercise either at home, office or hit a gym. Name it to be your hour of power. Try different workouts everyday whichever suits you, include a quick fitness DVD or take a brisk walk in a park. Boost up yourself in an evening Zumba class.

Choose a time you feel comfortable at and try it out yourself. Start slowly but steadily and increase your time of activity according to your ability. Remember the old adage: “Slow and steady wins the race.”

You Are on The Go!

You must be diligent if you want to see your professional dreams come true. Start with simple actions and allow your successes to lead you to take larger steps. Keep up your energy, implement these above mentioned habits, and you will gain success with every step.


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