As fanboys and fangirls get ready for the Rogue One, find out how Southeast Asian e-commerce platforms fare in a galaxy not-so-far away

Stat Wars

This year’s retail holidays –from Singles’ Day, Black Friday & Cyber Monday and 12.12– has proven itself to be the holidays that Southeast Asian e-commerce platforms are looking for.

(Okay, enough with the Star Wars reference)

ShopBack weighed each retail holiday in four markets –Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Indonesia– to find out who came out as the winner in this epic retail battle and the numbers that came with it.

It turns out that the total amount ShopBack shoppers spent during the retail holidays can bring more than 1.8 million Star Wars fans to the cinema.

So check out this Stat Wars infographic by ShopBack and may the promo be with you.

Retail Holiday Heroes

Image Credit: bubbers / 123RF Stock Photo

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